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The Gallipoli Memorial Garden

The Gallipoli Memorial Garden leads into the Shrine of Remembrance from Birdwood Avenue. It is inspired by the action on the Gallipoli peninsula by the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC).

The garden features a terrain map of Gallipoli, which shows key battlefield locations of the campaign between April and December 1915. The line of white dots on the map indicate how far inland the Anzac troops advanced before their withdrawal.

In the garden stands the Lone Pine, a living link back to the original Lone Pine that stood on the peninsular. A seed pod from the pine was carried back to Australia by a Sergeant Thomas Keith McDowell of the 23rd Battalion Australian Imperial Force. A sapling was grown from one of the seeds and planted at the Shrine in 1933. This tree grew quite large, but unfortunately succumbed to a fungal disease and had to be cut down in 2012. Another planted in 2006 suffered from the same disease.

The wood from these trees was repurposed: into a table gifted to Legacy, a boardroom table that now sits in the Shrine; and a Maton guitar, which is in the Shrine Collection. Another sapling was grown from a seed of one of these trees and planted in the Gallipoli Garden in 2017.

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