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4th Australian Field Regiment with Caulfield Grammar

A wreath laying to honour the service and sacrifice of 4th Australian Field Regiment.

Event Details

Wednesday, 6 November 2024 12:00 pm to 12:30 pm
Sanctuary , Birdwood Avenue, Melbourne, VIC 3001
  • Admission is free.
  • This event is child-friendly.

This service remembers all those who served in the 4th Australian Field Regiment.

The 4th Field Regiment was mobilised in December 1941 and went on to serve in New Guinea, Lae, the Ramu Valley and Bougainville. Over the course of the Second World War, they fired 25-pounder, 18-pounder and 4.5-inch Howitzer guns. By the end of the Bougainville campaign alone, the 4th had fired 62,723 rounds.

The 4th Field Regiment was officially disbanded on New Year's Eve 1945 having lost 15 men and a further 19 wounded.

The regiment's memorial tree was dedicated in the 'Australia Remembers' year of 1995. Since then, the members of the 4th Field Regiment Association have held a service at this tree every year. They are joined by the students and staff of Caulfield Grammar in remembering all those who served in the regiment.

Shrine Representative:

  • Shrine Governor Colonel Jason Cooke 

