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Shrine privacy policy

Learn about the guidelines we use to protect your privacy according to state and federal laws.

The Shrine of Remembrance is committed to protecting the privacy of those who interact with us, whether onsite or through our digital media platforms or through any other means of interaction. The Shrine collects personal information in order to achieve its statutory functions and strategic objectives, and manages that information in accordance with privacy legislation. 

The Shrine’s website can be accessed and browsed without disclosing your personal information.

The Shrine Privacy Statement aims to provide you with information on:

  • what information we collect and how
  • why and how we use that information
  • accessing your information.

What information we collect

The information we collect depends on how and why you have interacted with us. The Shrine does not collect or use personal information unless it has been freely provided through forms, comments or by request and it may be collected and held in hard copy or electronic format. 

Personal information

The types of information you may be asked for include:

  • name
  • email address
  • street or postal address
  • phone number
  • Shrine Friends number
  • subscription preferences or interests
  • banking information, if making a purchase or donation
  • information specific to your experience with the Shrine
  • social media information, such as username and profile or a post when Shrine-related tags, comments or handles are used
  • other personal information such as work experience or school name if you apply for a job or as a Young Ambassador with us. 

Cookies and tracking data

The Shrine uses cookies and Google Analytics to facilitate the monitoring, analysis and improvement of our website. 

A cookie is a small piece of data that is presented by a website to a web browser and stored on your computer or device. This allows users to use certain features of the website and allows the website to remember details within a session. 

Google Analytics is a service which tracks and reports website traffic. Google Analytics anonymously tracks how our visitors interact with this website, including where they came from, what they did on the site, and whether they completed any transactions on the site such as newsletter registration.

The Shrine does not use cookies or Google Analytics to retrieve or record any personal information, but they do enable us to record usage statistics, analyse user behaviour on the website and improve our services.  

How we collect information

We may request, collect and record personal information in the following situations:

  • As part of an enquiry or complaint
  • When making a booking for a tour, public program or education program
  • You are registering for a Shrine Friends membership or electronic newsletter subscription
  • You are using the Shrine website
  • You are making a purchase or donation
  • You create a social media post directly on our social media profiles or using Shrine-related tags, handles or comments on your own account
  • You attend a public program, event or visit the Shrine site. The Shrine uses closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras to monitor the safety and security of visitors and objects on display.
  • You complete a visitor survey

Why and how we use the information

We collect information from you only when it is necessary to fulfil our objectives, functions and services. The Shrine does not use or disclose personal information other than the purpose for which it was collected and any related secondary purpose for which you have provided consent, or where it is reasonable to expect us to use or disclose the information. 

Third parties

The Shrine may need to make your information available to a third party to enable us to provide and manage the information, service or product you have requested. 

The Shrine commonly engages third parties for the following services:

  • Mass electronic communications
  • Online purchases or bookings
  • Financial transactions
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Website analysis
  • Market research

The Shrine endeavours to protect your information as best it can. This is done through a combination of technical, physical and administrative measures, including Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption to protect data transferred between users and websites. The Shrine also provides secure information storage systems for information we generate, collect and hold. 

Accessing your information 

To access, update or correct your personal information, please contact the Shrine of Remembrance Privacy Officer by emailing or sending mail to this postal address:

Privacy Officer
Shrine of Remembrance
GPO 1603
Melbourne VIC 3004

For further information about privacy at the Shrine, please see our Privacy Statement or contact the Shrine of Remembrance Privacy Officer via the methods above.

Shrine of Remembrance Privacy Statement
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