Stories of service and sacrifice may cause distress.
See this resource list for help.
Large crowd of students at the Shrine

Services for schools

Find out about our commemoration services which are suitable for secondary and upper primary school students.


Schools are welcome to lay wreaths at these services. After the service, schools are invited to visit the Galleries for a brief guided tour.

Bookings are essential and become available closer to the dates.

Use this lesson plan to prepare your students for meaningful participation in commemorative services:

Why We Commemorate Lesson Plan
PDF 576.33 KB
(opens in a new window)

Shrine Monthly Memorial Service (4th Thursday of every month)

These services occur once a month on a Thursday. The services commence at 11.30am and run for approximately 30 minutes.

Different wartime events are commemorated each month.

Schools are invited to bring and lay a wreath or floral tribute (one wreath per school, laid by two students.)

A volunteer guide will introduce students to:

  • the story of the historical event being commemorated for the month
  • the symbolism and ritual of a Shrine Memorial Service

Call us to make a booking and for more information on 03 9661 8139.

Legacy Student Day (Friday 19 April 2024) 

This is an annual service for students to honour Australia’s brave service men and women through the eyes of the young. 

The service features student guest speakers, school bands and choirs along with attendance by the Defence Force cadets.

Proudly supported by Melbourne Legacy’s patron, Her Excellency Professor the Honourable Margaret Gardner AC, Governor of Victoria along with dignitaries and a RAAF fly-over.

Secondary and primary school children are invited to lay wreaths and display their school banners as part of the service.

Battle for Australia Service (September)

The Pacific War began on 7 December 1941 when the Japanese launched military action throughout the region. Australian forces were soon involved in the fighting, participating in key events including:

  • the fall of Singapore
  • the bombing of Darwin
  • the Kokoda Track campaign
  • the Battle of Milne Bay

The Battle for Australia commemoration service remembers the men and women who served in these and other wartime events from 1942 to 1945.

The Battle for Australia Association offers free transport for schools to attend. For more information contact the organising committee on 03 9569 6925 or

State Remembrance Day Service (Monday 11 November 2024)

Remembrance Day is Friday 11 November. Around the world this significant day is observed with a minute of silence at 11am, marking the time when the guns fell silent at the end of the First World War. This year, the focus of our State Remembrance Day Service is the fragility of peace and our shared hope that war will end.  

We warmly invite all Victorian schools to join us on Remembrance Day.

The service is 10:30-11:30am and school groups can take a free guided tour of the Shrine afterwards. There is no cost to attend.

We can reimburse travel costs up to $18 per head for schools with an ICSEA value under 1000, specialist schools, and schools more than 90-minutes away from the Shrine. To apply for the transport subsidy please register to attend and tick the box in the booking form. 

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