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9RAR Association

A wreath laying to honour the service and sacrifice of 9th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment.

Event Details

Sunday, 17 November 2024 12:00 pm to 12:30 pm
Sanctuary, Shrine of Remembrance, Birdwood Avenue, Melbourne, VIC 3001
  • This venue is wheelchair accessible.
  • Admission is free.

The 9th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment (9RAR) was raised in November 1967. After training, 9RAR deployed to Vietnam as part of the 1st Australian Task Force. The unit served there from November 1968 until November 1969, when they were relieved by 8RAR.

Over the 12 months, 9RAR took part in 11 major operations each lasting roughly a month. These operations focused on pacification and reconnaissance and aimed to isolate Viet Cong from the local population. During their year of service, 9RAR lost 35 men killed with another 150 wounded.

An annual service takes place on the first Sunday following Remembrance Day. This date commemorates the raising of 9RAR and its first and last days of active service in Vietnam.

Shrine Representative:

  • Shrine Governor Squadron Leader Matthew Little (Retd)

