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Dispatches from the Frontline: Live reading

Event Details

Sunday, 6 November 2022 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm
Shrine of Remembrance,
  • This venue is wheelchair accessible.

Dispatches from the Frontline is a performed reading of excerpts from the diary of a Victorian nurse, Sister Nan Reay, who served on the battlefields of France during the First World War. 

Sister Reay’s dispatches tell the story of the trials and tribulations, but also of personal resilience, courage and persistence of frontline health workers behind the frontlines; traits that resonate in these current troubled times of war and pandemic.

The performance will be followed by afternoon tea and a Last Post Service dedicated to the contribution of nurses in conflict zones. 

This event is free for Shrine Friends* and volunteers. Bookings essential. 

* 1 free ticket per membership. Family memberships book 2 individual tickets

Performer: Geraldine Cook-Dafner
Director: Naomi Edwards
Sound composition: Zoltan Fecso
Sound operation: Justin Gardam
Image: Sarah Corridon

The Dispatches from the Frontline project is funded by Creative Victoria, Regional Arts Victoria and Public Record Office Victoria.
The Dispatches from the Frontline project is funded by Creative Victoria, Regional Arts Victoria and Public Record Office Victoria.

