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Glamallie Khan (Ghulam Ali Khan)

Glamallie Khan was born to a Muslim family in Mohri, Gujurat, India (now Pakistan) in 1879. He served for three years in a light horse regiment there before he migrated to Australia in 1895. At the onset of the First World War, he was working as a Hawker – itinerant trader – in the Nhill district of Victoria. Reducing his age from 36 years to 29 years 6 months he enlisted in the Australian Imperial Force in August 1915.

After training in Egypt and England he joined the 32nd Field Artillery Battery in France on 21 November 1916. He almost immediately became ill. On 29 December he was transferred to the Lahore Indian General Hospital in Calaishe after eight days field treatment for myalgia – muscle aches and pains – and stomach cramps. He rejoined his unit, but in February 1917 was evacuated to England suffering from debility. 

Khan returned to Australia in May 1917, declared unfit for further service. He spent some time in hospital in South Australia before coming to live in Melbourne. He died in 1919.  

Reproduced courtesy of Nhill Free Press

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