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Polygon Wood Service (Friends of the 15th Brigade)

A wreath laying to honour the service and sacrifice of those who fought at Polygon Wood.

Event Details

Thursday, 26 September 2024 1:30 pm to 2:00 pm
Memorial Tree B25, Shrine of Remembrance, Birdwood Avenue, Melbourne, VIC 3001
  • Admission is free.

This service commemorates the actions of the 15th Brigade at the Battle of Polygon Wood. 

The Battle of Polygon Wood was planned to begin on 26 September 1917. Anticipating the battle, the German Army launched an attack the night before. The 15th Brigade stood fast under intense artillery fire but suffered heavy losses. Borrowed battalions who were unfamiliar with the battle plan reinforced numbers when they began the advance at dawn on 26 September. On their flank, the enemy continued to attack. 

Despite this, the 15th Brigade achieved all its objectives as well as those of the 98th British Brigade. German counter-attacks came and failed while the Allies consolidated their victory. When the battle ended on 3 October, the 15th Brigade had suffered 1,203 casualties – more than any other Australian brigade involved.

Shrine Representative:

  • Shrine Governor Colonel John Coulson OAM RFD ED

