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Corporate Services

Corporate Services

Accountable Officer: Greg Gilmour

The following outlines provide additional information regarding actions to be implemented for Corporate Services.

  Preparation phase Implementation Phase Monitor and review phase
Facility maintenance
  • Provide planning/diagrams. 
  • Define occupancy levels for all spaces as required. 
  • Plan path of travel etc. 
  • Obtain quotes for signage, hand sanitisers, decals, screens, etc. 
  • Meet with cleaners. 
  • Install signage. 
  • Set up Western Visitor’s centre. 
  • Arrange fire extinguisher training. 
  • Install suspended poppies in gallery (path of travel). 
  • Update Sine subscription for more users. 
  • Return of IT equipment and furniture. 
  • IT equipment installed in additional workspaces (Education pods, SE office)  
  • Install social distancing signage, decals and equipment. 
  • Ensure resumption of standard cleaning cycle, with additional daily cleaning, prior to return to work. 
  • Install public signage in courtyards and building. 
  • Install BOH signage regarding occupancy numbers. 
  • Install retractable barriers where required. 
  • Set up recording for entry and exit of patrons. 
  • Set automatic doors to open where possible. 
  • Restore standard lighting and power program across building. 
  • Resetting user ICT credentials (where required). 
  • Reinstate multimedia. 
  • Occupancy of lunchroom. 
  • Occupancy of back of house areas. 
  • Occupancy of public spaces. 
  • Air conditioning system. 
Human resources
  • Consult with OHS committee members. 
  • Research checklists from DPC, WorkSafe, AHRI, IR Vic, etc. 
  • Liaison with DPC. 
  • Assess Privacy implications of collecting personal data. 
  • Provide support to Executive. 
  • Ensure compliance with OHS, WorkSafe, IR Vic policies and DPC guidance. 
  • Continue to advise staff to use EAP service if they need to (e.g., for anxiety) 
  • From commencement date, normal timesheet procedures will recommence. (probably first pay period in Nov). 
  • Respond to requests to continue working from home (WFH). 
  • Review and update WFH policy and procedures. 
  • Monitor compliance with OHS, WorkSafe, IR Vic policies and DPC guidance. 
  • Monitor and record any COVID-19 staff illness and/or related leave. 
  • Payment for equipment, signage, hand sanitiser etc. 
  • Set up separate COVID-19 expense account. 
  • Ensure payroll payment is correct and appropriate adjustments are made for return to work. 
Governance and compliance
  • Report on COVID-19 queries. 
  • Liaise with Protective Services Unit (PSU).
  • Liaise with VAGO and auditors re COVID-19 disclosures in Annual Report (as required). 
  • Liaise with DPC and re COVID-19 queries (as required). 

Download a copy of the information provided above:

COVIDSafe Plan Dec 2021-Corporate Services
PDF 99.47 KB
(opens in a new window)
