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Visitor Experience

Visitor Experience

Accountable Officer: Naias Mingo

The following outlines provide additional information regarding actions to be implemented for the Visitor Experience.

  Preparation phase Implementation phase Monitor and review phase
  • Hygiene measures as identified in Risk Management. 
  • live streaming participation from home. 
  • Post-service catering available on approval with COVIDSafe measures in place. 
  • Hand sanitiser provided to visitors. 
  • Requisite PPE provided to staff. 
  • Common use equipment and surfaces to be sanitised. 
  • Perpetual wreaths and wreath tables provided with hygiene measures in place. 
  • Chairs to physically distanced. 
  • Physical distancing messaging incorporated into MC preambles. 
  • Additional VEO support provided. 
As above Weekly team meetings and daily briefings.
  • Visitor Centre Information Desk encourages physical distancing
  • Visitors provided with hand sanitiser on arrival. 
  • First Aiders to be provided with requisite PPE. 
  • Compliance with Emergency Evacuation Management Plan – North and South doors unlocked but closed – VEO present at all times. 
  • Visitors are encouraged to collect their own maps and QR code provided for map on own personal device. 
  • The Books of Remembrance opened for visitors with appropriate hygiene and distancing measures. 
  • Limited cloaking provided. 
  • Visitors’ Book replaced with sign encouraging online reviews. 

As above

Weekly team meetings and daily briefings.

  • Barrier screens at both retail counters. 
  • Contactless payment encouraged. 
  • If handling cash, PPE and/or sanitiser is to be used. 
  • Physical distancing floor decals at queuing points. 
  • Staff will sanitise their hands after receiving and unpacking deliveries. 

As above

Weekly team meetings and daily briefings.

  • Contactless payment encouraged. 
  • If handling cash, PPE and/or sanitiser is to be used. 
  • Individual uniform provided. 

As above


Weekly team meetings and daily briefings.

  • Staff to follow current guidelines on use of face masks and PPE. 
  • All VEOs to be provided with individual uniform – no shared uniform. 
  • All shared equipment and surfaces to be sanitised between uses. 
  • Face masks to be considered when engaging face to face with large groups and/or when physical distance of 1.5m cannot be maintained. 

As above

Weekly team meetings and daily briefings.
