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Works at the Shrine

Current restoration and project works

Thanks to $5.95m funding support received from the Victorian Government, the Shrine of Remembrance is currently undertaking restoration and improvement projects to preserve the Shrine's heritage and enhance accessibility and safety for future generations.

Projects include:

  • restoration of western and southern lower steps to the monument
  • restoration of the four original exterior light towers
  • providing new accessible ramp access between the upper and lower forecourts
  • including new hostile vehicle attack security enhancements

Project status (as of 31 December 2023)

Step Restoration: Complete

Light Towers: Complete. You can learn more about this project and the fascinating history of the light towers in this Remembrance Magazine article.

Accessible Ramps—Works commenced in August 2023 and are scheduled to be completed by March 2024. The ramps are adjacent to the existing steps and will assist veterans and all visitors to the Shrine to access the precinct more easily and safely.

Security Enhancements—In line with other major civic sites, the Shrine is adding measures to improve safety in the event of vehicle as a weapon attacks. You can learn more about our landscape and security improvements here.


These projects have been carefully planned in consultation with a team of experienced architects, engineers, heritage architects and restoration experts and are proceeding as approved in full consultation with Heritage Victoria.

Visitors are asked to note that there may be disruption to pedestrian access in some areas around the Shrine during the works.
