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Phyllis Anguey

Phyllis Anguey served with the RAAF Nursing Service during the Second World War. Of Chinese heritage, she was 30 years of age and a qualified nurse when she enlisted in 1940.  Anguey served at various RAAF hospitals in Victoria, including Laverton, Sale and Ascotvale, and with the Medical Air Evacuation Transport Unit.  

Promoted Senior Sister, in 1943 she was the escort for a draft of RAAF personnel who were transferring to Canada and England under the Empire Air Training Scheme. She was away from Australia for six months.

The commander of the Medical Training Unit wrote of her that she was ‘an exceedingly capable, competent and thoroughly reliable sister’, for whom ‘nothing [was] too much’.  Anguey left the service in October 1945 to pursue a career in midwifery. Her departure was lamented by her superior officer.

I consider SS Anguey to be one of the outstanding members of the RAAFNS. Her service knowledge is exceptional – her organising and administrative ability outstanding. She has performed difficult and rather tedious tasks uncomplainingly. It is with much regret that we agree to the termination of her appointment with the RAAFNS.

Matron J Wheatley, Principal Nursing Officer, Victoria  

Reproduced courtesy of the Chinese Museum of Australia 

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