Stories of service and sacrifice may cause distress.
See this resource list for help.

Opening to Visitors and Resuming Programing

The Shrine has undertaken detailed planning to ensure compliance with Victorian Government restrictions is provided for and maintained.

Measures for each of the key visitor functions: ceremonial services, general visitation, tours and retail, are outlined in Section 6.

Safe Work Australia Checklists and COVIDSafe Plan Guidance have been used as a reference.

Vaccination requirements

The Shrine will comply with Victorian Government vaccination requirements applicable to
the category of workplace that includes the Shrine. In general:

  • Shrine Personnel are required to be fully vaccinated to attend site. Personnel will be required to supply / demonstrate proof of vaccination to be permitted to attend site.

Personnel onsite

  • Vaccination requirements may mean that unvaccinated staff and volunteers are not permitted to work or provide their services at the Shrine.
  • If health directions require staff to work from home, this will be facilitated where possible and practical.

Opening to general visitors

  • Visitors may access all public areas.
  • The total capacity of the monument will not exceed any applicable density quotient
  • Hand sanitiser is provided for use upon entry.

 Ceremonial Program

  • Ex-Service Organisations (ESOs) are advised by the Ceremonial Program Manager in advance to ensure they’re aware of any COVIDSafe measures in place.
  • Live-streaming of services will continue to ensure that our community can still participate in commemoration. Onsite streaming can accommodate additional attendees as required.

 Education Programs

  • We will consider Department of Education advice in facilitating school excursions onsite. 
  • Onsite education programs may be offered in a modified format including reduced duration and number of groups per hour and options to focus on external features of the monument
  • A virtual Education Program is available to any school that wishes to visit but is unable to do so physically.

Public Programs

  • Programming – including special exhibitions, book launches, talks and events – will operate under the same guidelines and measures adopted for general visitors.
