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Trustee meetings

During 2022–23, the Shrine of Remembrance  Trustees held six ordinary meetings.


Committee memberships comprise trustees, Life Governors, Governors and independent members with specific knowledge and skill required by the Board of the Shrine of Remembrance Trustees. The Committees are supported by the Chief Executive Officer and Executive Assistant with Directors aiding as required. Committees may also co-opt external parties with relevant expertise to participate as required. Four committees support the corporate governance framework that provides informed recommendations to the board of the Shrine of Remembrance Trustees. 

Audit and Risk Management Committee

The purpose of the Audit and Risk Management Committee (ARMC) is to assist the Board of Trustees in maintaining oversight and providing assurance relating to the integrity and effectiveness of the governance, compliance, financial and risk management processes, systems and reporting of the Shrine. It does this by considering financial and related reports provided by management and internal and external auditors and directing establishment and review of an appropriate risk management framework. Standing Directions under the Financial Management Act 1994, also require the ARMC to oversee and advise the board on matters of accountability and internal control affecting operations.

The ARMC includes independent members who meet the criteria for independence within the Financial Management Compliance Framework guidelines. The Committee met on seven occasions in 2022–23. 

Committee Members throughout the period included:

  • Robert Webster (TRUSTEE) 
  • Catherine 'Bunny' Carrigan (TRUSTEE) 
  • Timothy Holden (INDEPENDENT MEMBER)

Ceremonial Committee

The purpose of the Ceremonial Committee is to assist the Board of Trustees by supporting governance of the Shrine’s ceremonial activities: including the calendar of commemorative services and applications presented by management on behalf of external parties for the introduction of new and/or changed services and memorial plaques. The committee monitors the conduct of Ex-Service Organisations (ESOs) and trustee representatives in the delivery of commemorative services at which trustees are represented and makes recommendations relating to ceremonial policies and practices and the reappointment of Shrine Governors. The Committee met on three occasions in 2022–23.

Committee Members throughout the period included:

  • Tracey Curro (TRUSTEE)
  • Adrian Lombardo (SHRINE LIFE GOVERNOR)
  • John Coulson (SHRINE GOVERNOR)
  • Terry Makings (SHRINE GOVERNOR)

Remuneration Committee 

The purpose of the Remuneration Committee is to assist the Board of the Shrine of Remembrance Trustees by considering and making recommendations relating to Chief Executive Officer (CEO) remuneration and the remuneration packages set by the CEO for executives (i.e., employees not covered by awards and collective agreements).

The committee is also responsible for establishing professional development and succession plans for the CEO and considering professional development plans and succession arrangements established by the CEO for executives. The committee met on one occasion during 2022–2023.

Committee Members during the reporting period were:

  • Robert Webster (TRUSTEE)
  • Sue Blake (TRUSTEE)

Occupational Health & Safety Committee

The Shrine’s Occupational Health and Safety Committee meets four times each year and includes nominated and trained Health and Safety Representatives from designated working groups of the staff, volunteer, and Victoria Police (Shrine Guard). Issues covered include WorkSafe matters, OHS incidents and matters of general workplace health and safety. During the 2022–23 reporting period, the Shrine’s OHS Committee met five times.

Pleasingly, no lost time injuries occurred in 2022–23.
