Stories of service and sacrifice may cause distress.
See this resource list for help.

Monitoring and review

How we will monitor and review the plan.

Monitoring and review

This DAP includes the formation of a specific Accessibility Action Group. The action group will monitor, plan and report on the implementation and progress of the DAP to the Shrine CEO through established reporting processes.

The nominated actions contained in this plan will be reviewed on a quarterly basis in concert with the quarterly Business Plan review cycle and progress against the DAP will be reported annually in the Shrine Annual Report.

Contacts and further information

Following approval, this DAP will be submitted to the Human Rights Commission pursuant to section 67 of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and can be accessed via the Human Rights website.

If parties require a copy of the DAP (hard or electronic), or have queries, they may contact:

Shrine of Remembrance
Birdwood Avenue
03 9661 8100
