Stories of service and sacrifice may cause distress.
See this resource list for help.

Leadership Team

The Leadership Team are delegated authority and charged with responsibility to implement the Board’s approved strategy and direct the day-to-day management and operational activities of the Shrine.

Dean M Lee
Chief Executive Officer

Appointed Chief Executive Officer in July 2015. Dean is the Shrine’s nominated Accountable Officer providing governance and strategic support and advice to the Trustees and overall leadership to the organisation.

Sue Burgess
Director Public Programs

Appointed to the position of Director of Public Programs in October 2019 Sue holds responsibility for gallery and collection management, exhibition and digital programs and the Shrine’s education and volunteer programs.

Sue Curwood
Marketing Manager

The Marketing Manager holds responsibility for all marketing, branding and communications strategy and tactical implementation. Sue was appointed in June 2020.

Greg Gilmour
Director Corporate Services

The Director Corporate Services holds responsibility for regulatory compliance, administration, finance, operations, and facilities functions. Greg was appointed to this role in September 2019.

Naias Mingo 
Director Visitor Experience

The Director Visitor Experience holds responsibility for the Shrine’s visitor services, ceremonial program and self-funding activities. Naias was appointed in June 2019.
