Stories of service and sacrifice may cause distress.
See this resource list for help.

Welcome to the Shrine of Remembrance

The Shrine of Remembrance is Victoria’s national war memorial. Here we honour the service and sacrifice of the men and women who have served in wars and peacekeeping.

Explore the Shrine Reserve to discover hundreds of memorial trees and plaques, and several statues.

Entry to the monument is via the Visitor Centre on the eastern corner of the building. From here you can access the Galleries of Remembrance housed beneath the Shrine. We have over 800 objects on display telling many stories of Australians in war and peacekeeping operations.

Moving upstairs gives you access to the Sanctuary, one of our key ceremonial spaces. At the top of the building is the Balcony where you will get a unique view of the city. 


Learn more:

See historic footage of the dedication of the Shrine in 1934

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