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Major campaigns throughout the year included Remembrance Day, Anzac Day and the weekly Last Post Service. A television commercial campaign on Network Seven – supported by regional press and multicultural radio – resulted in an immediate uplift in summer visitation.

Digital engagement remained a key focus of marketing activity, with total engagement of 645,980 – an 80% increase on the previous year. Support from Federation Square, Vicinity Shopping Centres, City of Melbourne and Herald Sun allowed us to extend the reach of our major campaigns through their delivery of our digital content.

The new Shrine website provided enhanced utility, allowing rapid response to changing conditions and a platform to host a multitude of rich content, notably live stream broadcasts of the Shrine’s commemorative services. We saw strong growth in social media audiences and engagement with an increased focus on community management and targeted advertising.

An external public relations agency was engaged to maximise positive profile opportunities. Highlights included a front-page story in the Saturday Age Spectrum lift out, multiple radio interviews and a feature on Channel Nine News.

A refreshed visual identity in the coming year will position the Shrine as a relevant and welcoming place for all, create utility within the brand across various applications, and enhance recognition.
