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Untitled 1991 Frank Williams  John Williams

Through the eyes of the son

A John Williams retrospective

11 September 2019 - 13 October 2021

"Through his camera, in a procession of seemingly inconsequential moments, John Williams seeks to illuminate the nature of our brief existence." Robert McFarlane 

From the moment he looked through the lens, John Williams (1933-2016) made an indelible mark on Australian photography. 

His war related images document his personal journey to understand his veteran father’s experiences and the impact of war across the generations.  

This exhibition showcases some of John’s most iconic images, including his Anzac Day and War Portraits series.

It also includes a series of works never printed or exhibited in his lifetime.  

The new works were taken in 1991 on one of John’s many visits to the Western Front, where his father served. They explore the impacts of war across time and place. Haunting and deeply poignant, they add even greater depth to his artistic contribution. 
