Stories of service and sacrifice may cause distress.
See this resource list for help.
Historic image of Australian children

On the home front - guided school program

Discover what life was like for young children during the Second World War.

Duration 60 minutes

Years P to 4

What was everyday life like for young children in Victoria during the Second World War? This hands-on tour invites students to imagine what it was like to live with rationing of food, clothes and fuel, to participate in a mock air raid drill, and to read letters written home to children by a father on active service in New Guinea. Students will visit the Sanctuary, explore the Galleries and hear stories about real children to compare their lives today with children’s experiences in the past.

Selected curriculum links:

  • Differences and similarities between students’ daily lives and perspectives of life during their parents’ and grandparents’ childhoods (VCHHK061)
  • The effect of changing technology on people’s lives and their perspectives on the significance of that change (VCHHK065)
  • The significance today of an historical site of cultural or spiritual importance (VCHHK064) 
