Stories of service and sacrifice may cause distress.
See this resource list for help.
Two Australian soldiers in Vietnam

Only 19: Australians in the Vietnam War - guided school program

In this hands-on program, students will explore the Shrine’s spaces of commemoration and take a close look at the Vietnam War displays in the Galleries.

Duration 90 minutes

Years 9 to 12

Students discover the Shrine and learn about Australian involvement in the war in Vietnam. In this hands-on program, students will explore the Shrine’s spaces of commemoration and take a close look at the Vietnam War displays in the Galleries.

A number of the Shrine’s volunteer tour leaders are veterans of the war in Vietnam. Whenever possible we will arrange for a veteran to guide this tour, meaning that students will have the opportunity to learn at first hand about the experiences of an Australian serviceman in Vietnam, and to ask questions about aspects of the conflict which they may be studying in history such as the national service scheme (conscription). If you would like your students to meet a Vietnam veteran, we advise you to call Shrine Education on 03 9661 8139 to find out when our veteran volunteers are available and to make a booking.

Selected curriculum links:

  • Effects of significant post-World War II world events and developments on one major global influence that shaped change in Australian society (VCHHK157)
  • The perspectives of people and different historical interpretations and debates from the period(VCHHK160)
