Stories of service and sacrifice may cause distress.
See this resource list for help.
Historic image of soldiers with air craft

The Second World War: Australian experience - guided school program

Students can practice their skills of historical enquiry in a museum context, reflecting on the lasting effects of war on Australian communities.

Duration: 90 minutes

Years 9 to 12

What was the Australian experience of the Second World War? This program invites students to practice their skills of historical enquiry in a museum context, and to reflect on the lasting effects of war on Australian communities. This tour of the Shrine takes in the Sanctuary, the Second World War forecourt and recent additions to the building. Students will handle a diverse range of authentic artefacts and memorabilia from the conflict, and explore the rich personal stories displayed in the Galleries.

Selected curriculum links:

  • Causes of World War II and the reasons why Australians enlisted to go to war (VCHHK145)
  • Significant places where Australians fought and their perspectives and experiences in these places(VCHHK146)
  • Significant events, turning points of World War II and the nature of warfare (VCHHK147)
  • Effects of World War II, with a particular emphasis on the changes and continuities brought to the Australian home front and society (VCHHK148)
