Stories of service and sacrifice may cause distress.
See this resource list for help.
Historic image of soldiers ad horse

Victorians in the First World War - guided school program

Students gain insight into the experience of Australian soldiers and nurses during the years 1914–1918.

Duration 90 minutes

Years 7 to 12

Handling iconic equipment and uniforms of the Great War and touring the Shrine, students will gain insights into the experience of Australian soldiers and nurses during the years 1914-1918. They will also see and talk about images and original artefacts in the Galleries of Remembrance, including the Gallipoli boat, with a knowledgeable and friendly guide to help them discover the many meanings of these objects. Through exploring the everyday experiences and lasting effects of the conflict on Australians 100 years ago, students will have the opportunity to reflect on the origins and ongoing significance of Australian commemorations of war.

Selected curriculum links:

  • Causes of World War I, the reasons why men enlisted to go to war, and how women contributed in the war effort (VCHHK139)
  • Significant places where Australians fought and explore their perspectives and experiences in these places (VCHHK140)
  • Significant events, turning points of the war and the nature of warfare (VCHHK141)
  • Effects of World War I, with a particular emphasis on the changes and continuities brought to the Australian home front and society (VCHHK142)
